Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to School Books

So, you're thinking about adding a little Geocaching flair to your instruction this year? If you're looking for a good start on ideas, but need to know more about the concept, try some of these great guides:

1.) The Complete Idiot's Guide to Geocaching, 3rd Edition - This updated version of the guide is one of the most comprehensive resources out there for the sport. It is sure to give you a greater understanding of all things caching, as well as be a springboard for you for caching in education.

2.) Ben and The Geocache Treasure - I came across this book as a possible read-aloud for younger students. It introduces the fun and unique concept of caching to children, as well as provides important vocabulary and definitions.

3.) Found It! Introducing Geocaching To Kids and Families - Here's a Kindle book for a low-entry price that is sure to answer many of your questions.